Friday, February 3, 2012

Flashback: Valentine's Projects

I have had my Valentine's Decor up since the Christmas stuff came down. Not sure why I have waited so long to post it. I figured I would start with the stuff I have made in the past.

Valentine's Wreath from the Idea Room.
I used this in my decor again but not as a wreath this year.

Felt Envelopes from the The Crafting Chicks.
 I made some special gifts for my favorite little guys to put in these this year.

This is what the boys gave their favorite baby friends last year. I took the wrapper off of some banana puffs and tied a tag that said "I'm going bananas over you".

For lunch last year we had heart shaped grilled cheese, strawberries, and rasberries.

Stay tuned for more Valentine's Day goodies!

The fabulous parties I am linking up to:
Lil Luna
Organize and Decorate Everything
Crystal and Co.
House of Hepworths
Delightful Order
Tatertots and Jello
Be Different Act Normal
I Heart Naptime
Tip Junkie
A Bowl Full of Lemons
Let Birds Fly
Somewhat Simple
Fingerprints on the Fridge
Tidy Mom
320 Sycamore
I Can Teach My Child

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  1. I love the puff Valentine gift idea! How cute!
    -Kristen @ Titus 2 Work in Progress

  2. What clever Valentine's Day ideas! Curiosity killed me..what's banana puffs? Love the heart shaped grilled cheese and strawberries(or raspberries)I just remembered I have a large heart shaped cookie cutter in a basket of gadgets I don't use in the garage..will get that out and see what I can use it for..cutting fruit/melon with it? bread for party sandwiches(I think it is too large for that purpose though).

  3. Betty- Banana puffs are snacks for babies or toddlers. It is kind of like cereal but less sugar and melts in their mouth so it is not a choking hazard.
