Friday, May 18, 2012

Tips for First Time Moms

Hi, I'm Katie Moore- owner and author of "Moore From Katie." Today, Krista has graciously accepted my offer to guest post on her site! I have written an article about pregnancy because May is Pregnancy Awareness Month (neither Krista or myself is pregnant!!!). I enjoy writing, researching and blogging about all things pregnancy... enjoy the article!

Tips for First Time Moms

Having a baby for the first time is a big event in any woman’s life. This is especially the case if she has been trying to have a baby for some time. In the excitement of the moment, it can be easy to forget all the little things, great and small, she must do to get prepared for her little one’s arrival. However, if she takes an organized approach, she can make the whole process go much more smoothly.

Preparations for the Delivery
One of the things new moms need to prepare for is the delivery itself. She should choose the location where she wants to have her baby. If she will be having her baby at home, an expectant mother might want to hire the services of a professional midwife. One the other hand, if she will be having her baby in a hospital, she will need to decide which one.

Regardless of where she chooses to have her baby, she should find a qualified obstetrician to help her maintain her health and her baby’s over the coming months. She should discuss with her doctor all of the things that will take place on delivery day, and any options she might have planned, such as circumcision (for a son) or umbilical cord blood banking.

Things She Will Need
Part of preparing means purchasing things the baby will need. She should make a complete list of all the clothing items the baby will require, such as shirts, booties and so on. She can then check out the prices of local stores for these items. However, she should not forget to ask friends or relatives if they have any of these things they don’t want anymore.

The new baby will also need furniture, such as a crib and a changing table. The new mother may also want a rocking chair she can sit next to the crib. As with clothing, she should check to see if anyone she knows has these things. However, she should only use a crib that meets current federal safety standards, regardless of price.

What to Expect Later
Many new moms underestimate the time and effort required to take care of a newborn. It is a good idea for any first time expectant mother to read books on the subject and talk to other experienced mothers about what she can expect. Sleepless nights, feedings, teething problems and more all make the first year or so very challenging. However, by studying and being as prepared as possible, new mother’s can spend less time worrying and more time enjoying their new babies.

“Katie Moore has written and submitted this article. Katie is an active blogger who discusses the topics of, motherhood, children, fitness, health and all other things Mommy. She enjoys writing, blogging, and meeting new people! To connect with Katie contact her via her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter, @moorekm26.”

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