Cleaning out our closets was in full swing yesterday. This picture is not including all the clothes that I have in the car, ready to be donated. You can tell from the post about my closet that a clean out was definitely necessary. I will do another post when it is all put back together.
Here is my messy spice cabinet, sadly this is even after I condensed all my spices into this spice rack. It is now about 90 percent done I am just waiting a product I had to re-order because the first one was too big. I will probably be done with it by the end of the week and I can finally finish part 2 of that post.
So that is some of what I have been up to this past weekend. What projects have you been working on?
No big projects for me this weekend - although we did tackle the clothing in our master closet a few weeks ago, so I fully appreciate the task. It is quite the undertaking!