Thursday, August 4, 2011


If you are new here "TIDWTFT" stands for Things I Don't Want to Forget Thursday.

Grant says "thank you" all the time these days. He tells me thank you when I give him food, when he gives me stuff and even when he steals toys from his brother he is polite enough to thank him for the toy he has just stolen. Gabe does not find this the least bit polite though.

Gabe loves to cry for me in the morning and then when I go get him, he crawls to the corner of his crib where I can't reach him. If you remember this post where I turned their cribs around, you will understand why it is hard to get him out. It usually ends in me climbing in the crib to drag him out, bet you all would like a pic of that, huh? How about a pic of the sweet baby instead? I forgot to mention, he also likes to undress himself too.

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